The Lords Prayer

(Repost from last year – This is for the Knyt and Americus)

Every night I pray, and say the same prayer to the man upstairs.  Without divulging too much of what is said,  I ask him to watch over the lives of my family and friends and beg that he grants me the guidance and show me love for the trials and tribulations of life ahead.  Our relationship is that he is father and I his child, he is the teacher and I am his attentive pupil. I dont question  the relationship, I just know to open my heart and watch for his plan for me wherever I can notice it. During my prayers I am not totally infallable, sometimes I am like little ralphie in that movie Christmas Story, praying and hoping that god will give him a red ranger air rifle, except I ask for a hunting rifle so that I may hunt with my dad.  My prayers give me comfort and solace in that, I know at least I hope that he has a plan for me, and if by praying I can develop a relationship with him.  I know he speaks, I listen and that is the way its suppose to be for now.  I wouldnt say I am religious man, I just find a certain comfort in knowing that he is guiding my life, and like I said I hope that he has a plan for me.  Sometimes it feels like I can see his plan for me, but then I turn a repeat fo MASH on and get lazy like his other children…Happy Easter to all my friends and Family..we have more food then his son pray, be thankful and eat up all the easter candy..just a quick prayer thought

Categories: Cancer, Equal opportunity, Events, FAMILY, FUNNY, Health, History, Humor | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “The Lords Prayer

  1. highway

    lords prayer is a beautiful one i also say my prayers every nite well almost every nite any ways spiritual guidance and spiritual belief is good for all so i hope everyone has a great day and happy easter to all mcdermott clan i love each and everyone of you

  2. highway

    also happy easter to all mcdermott curtis killeen young guns

  3. To all of my wonderful Family I say Happy Easter,and I send my love as well as Mom’s love.I am certain she will send something later.This day as every day I ask Our Lord to watch over all of you God Bless
    Enjoy Easter Love Pop

  4. Mom

    Hi guys I really do hope you all had a great day. Lets stop with the gun talk you know how I feel about them. Stephen I am so glad you are feeling better, yes you do have a guardian angel looking after you. Just keep smiling and be nice to Penelope.

  5. JustMe

    Happy Easter to all. Love you.

  6. Guns dont kill people..people kill people..nothing wrong with owning a gun..just need to be safe….

  7. slickmanm

    Happy Easter to ever one. The man up there has a plan for ever body . we all don,t know what it is at times but if we have faith he will show us. I love Easter watching the kids look for eggs is one of my favoit things. spring is here so lets all go out side and enjoy the flowers. steve my friend you been though a lot and Iam proud of you the way you handled your self I hope all the prarys we say for you and penelope come true. Two more weeks for baseball games. lets go mets. well thats enough for this day. I have to go and change my under whare for tonight starts a new week. good night to the family. and may god bless you all.

  8. liz

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
    P.S. To slickman…finally someone who has the good sense to be a met fan… good for you slickman! I’ve been a fan since the 1960’s when my dad took my pregnant mom to see a double header.

  9. JustMe

    Go Redsox!!!!

  10. The relationship you have with Him sounds exactly right, Zman. And He does hear us, doesn’t He? I forget that an awful lot, especially when things aren’t going the way I want … just like every other spoiled child of His, I guess. I’m just old enough to know better. That’s on me, not Him.

    Keeping you in my prayers, bud. Always.

  11. This is a beautiful prayer and Happy Easter, even if we don’t celebrate it much in here lol. For some reason, I see a lot of things related to God’s work. Maybe it’s time for me to believe in Him? I don’t know but thanks for being a part.

  12. pop

    The Day the Lord taught us to pray

    The Prayer Jesus Taught Us
    by Victor Hoagland, C.P.
    based on the New Catholic Catechism 2759-2865
    see also: The Our Father for Children

    “Teach us how to pray,” the disciples said to Jesus. (Luke 11, 1) He answered by teaching them the prayer we call the Our Father or The Lord’s Prayer.

    The Lord’s Prayer is a basic Christian prayer. As a model of prayer, every Christian learns it by heart. It appears everywhere in the church’s life: in its liturgy and sacraments, in public and private prayer. It ‘s a prayer we treasure.

    Zman – Thanks for the input

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